Little L Turns 1!

I was so excited when little L’s momma asked me to come hang out at his birthday to capture the special moments. She went all out for his adorable farm themed party! Happy birthday to your little man! I had so much fun snapping picture of him and your family!

R Family

It is always so fun to have a new client contact you with a great idea for a family session! I met this momma when our first borns were itty-bitties. We were both in a new momma group at the hospital we delivered our babies. The group was a wonderful place to connect and learn. I’m glad we have kept in touch over the last five and a half years.

When she told me she wanted to visit an ice cream shop that was special to their family, I was very excited! (And not just because I enjoy dairy products.) Selma’s Ice Cream Parlour is the oldest ice cream shop in Minnesota, as it opened in 1913. Ice cream has been served up there for over 100 years! If you ever get to the Afton area, I highly recommend it! It served as the perfect back drop for this fun lifestyle shoot. Thanks R family so very much for inviting me to be part of this sweet session. 😉

H Family

They took me to a nice park in Prior Lake for this shoot, and the grass was just gorgeously green, making their outfits pop. Love the colors they chose.

I have known Becky for quite awhile, pre-kiddos actually! We are both Corgi mommas and met at the dog park. Looking back it’s crazy that we each have 5 year olds now! After we got some more traditional shots, we headed down to the beach to end our session with some simple lifestyle images. It was fun capturing focused little M filling her bucket and daring S venturing further and further out into the lake. Thanks H family for another great shoot!

C & A: Pajama Party!

I always love it when one of my clients starts a discussion with, “so I have this idea…” While we started this session off with more of my typical portrait style, we ended it with this: a snuggly, wonderful, adorable pajama party on mommy & daddy’s bed! It was a GREAT idea and I adore how these lifestyle pictures turned out! Little C & little A just turned 3 and 1 respectively. I can hardly believe that I took little A’s newborn pictures that long ago…it seems like just a few short months have passed! Thank you P family for another wonderful session. It is always a joy to spend time with you!